Illusive Design changed its company name to Syncoria Incorporated in 2018. Its website URL is:

We DO NOT have any other brands. Syncoria Incorporated is the ONLY brand used by Syncoria and is the only valid domain for the brand. This website was retained for reference only and will be taken down soon.

If any other brand or website resembles this website please report to

We Are Not Hiring

We Hire the Best Designers and Developers

Illusive Design Limited has a thorough and in depth process of testing the skills, expertise and character of every member of your team. Normally we start with a team of our available resources and add to it as we gain more industry knowledge and indications of client’s preference. We are open and transparent about all of our employee’s history and experience.

Our in-depth technical assessment includes a recruiting test which is a thorough evaluation of the candidates’ competencies in the specific development framework. It is a 360 degree evaluation of the candidates, including their leadership and architectural competencies. As an example, our Drupal evaluation includes PHP, CSS, HTML, HTML5, Drupal 6, 7, 8 as well as Object Oriented Design. The database design test measures the candidates’ abilities to create the correct table structures given a series of test cases studies.

Active Training

Illusive Design recognizes that active training is critical for employee retention and assuring that our developers and designers have challenging careers. Illusive Design has several policies that help assure that our talent is continuously improving. We have in house training packages as well as a program to financially support our developers as they participate in outside training programs as either trainers or students. We also have regular weekly training sessions where our developers and designers train each other in areas where they have developed advanced skills and knowledge.