Illusive Design changed its company name to Syncoria Incorporated in 2018. Its website URL is:

We DO NOT have any other brands. Syncoria Incorporated is the ONLY brand used by Syncoria and is the only valid domain for the brand. This website was retained for reference only and will be taken down soon.

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Over the past several years, mobile device users have surpassed traditional Internet browsing from desktop and laptop computers. Today, the majority of Internet browsers are searching and visiting websites, social media sites, and checking email from their mobile devices. As a result, businesses need to rethink their online strategies and adjust them accordingly to this major shift in Internet habits.

In fact, many of the major search engines have adjusted their ranking criteria and now prominently display search results featuring websites that are mobile friendly. If your website is not mobile friendly, the link to your website could easily now be on the second, third, or even fifth page of search results and no longer be reaching your targeted audience. In addition, most people never look past the first page of search results so the chances of being found online are dramatically decreased.

Search engines have also changed how they rank likes, shares, and comments made to online content thanks to mobile device users. In the past, online content shared across multiple sites only counted as additional relevant backlinks to the original posted content. However, now search engines are actually counting these shares in ranking search results into the ranking criteria. This is why it is possible to post a relevant piece of content, whether it is a blog post or video, and within several hours, the post can be trending or even go viral overnight, pushing links to your site to the top of search rankings.

It is more important now to ensure your web presence includes all the latest requirements for mobile device users and content sharing. If your site has not been updated in the past six months, it is probably due for an overhaul to incorporate new features for mobile device users. There are several different options and web design services in Toronto to modernize your website and reestablish a strong web presence.

Among your various Toronto web design services, many businesses are opting for a single website designed for both mobile device and traditional Internet users. This type of web design automatically detects the type of device being used to access the content and adjusts how content is displayed on the user’s screen. Having a single website design also makes it easier to update and manage anytime you want to make changes to content, add new pages, or incorporate new features.

These changes in web browsing are the result of most mobile users searching for businesses because they require their products or services now. If your website is mobile friendly, not only does it make it easier for people to find your business, but it can also show them where you are located in regards to their current location. For all you know your next new customer is just a few blocks away. To learn more about Toronto web design solutions to make your website mobile friendly, feel free to contact Illusive Design today at 416-628-5522.