Illusive Design changed its company name to Syncoria Incorporated in 2018. Its website URL is:

We DO NOT have any other brands. Syncoria Incorporated is the ONLY brand used by Syncoria and is the only valid domain for the brand. This website was retained for reference only and will be taken down soon.

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We Are Not Hiring

Social media has altered the way of conducting online business in new and exciting ways. Customers and clients are sharing progressively more information about their online activities, interests, and requirements. Hence, encouraging people to share their opinion about your products on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., is a great way to gain more traffic and new customers. However, if you irritate the customers, you may lose them. It is hard to know the way of promoting your brand and products on social media networks without forgoing potential sales and customers. This article explains how social networks can be used to promote your eCommerce website without annoying your potential buyers.

Integrate Social Media on Your Website

The first thing to do is make it simpler for your visitors to share your content on social media by integrating sharing buttons on your eCommerce site. This generates more traffic to your site and improves your brand recognition and exposure.

Encourage Sharing and Reviews

People love to get a great deal from product promotion, and they like to share great deals with their friends. Make sure that it is easy for your visitors to share your promotions and products, using well-placed sharing icons. Let them post reviews about your products and services. If your services and products are good, these reviews will assist you in improving your conversion rate.

Social Strategy

Integrate a blog to the eCommerce website and use it to post your company declarations, product announcements, and tips for the customers. Let the customers discuss freely about your products and services. Try to answer and clear every doubt your customers raise about your services and products. Consider customer reviews on this blog and other social media integrated tools as your overall social strategy.

Offer Rewards

Rewarding your loyal customers can go a long way towards establishing brand loyalty and awareness. You may have seen in-store product promotions that encourage customers to ‘like’ the company on social networks to get a special discount – this applies to eCommerce sites also. You can reward your social media followers with coupons, discounts, and anything else that makes them feel that they are getting something back for their loyalty.

Follow Your Customers on Social Networks

You need to follow your customers. Find out where your potential and actual customers hang out on social media and follow them. For instance, professionals are more likely to visit LinkedIn than Facebook. Connect with people on different social networks who are interested in your brand and products to build a community of loyal followers, as this is the key to your social media marketing success.

Talk about Related Subjects

Do not just post, tweet or update every time you want to promote a new product. Participate in discussions and address your customers’ concerns proactively. For instance, if you sell computers, you can gain followers from people who have been discussing the latest operating system release if you talk knowledgeably about it. Make sure that your content is useful to your followers and reply to their messages or comments.