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For small business, there is a constant struggle between content management solutions and budget constraints. Large firms can incorporate the most sophisticated forms of data management systems to make their data storage efficient and secure. But in case of small businesses, data storage is not ideally one of the areas where they would choose to spend large sums of money. Nor would they want to spend a big chunk on managing the content that they display on their website.


Here are some cost effective content management systems available to small businesses:


Area of strength:  Ease of content editing

Concrete 5 is a free source of CMS and enables firms to store data. It is very user-friendly, requiring only some basic computing skills. With Concrete 5, firms can build websites, online newspapers and magazines, community based portals, single or combined homepages etc.

This software is completely free-of-cost and makes it easier for firms to maintain and combine data on their website. Particularly, it makes adding and changing content a much smoother process. It lets you customize your website as well, with support systems for those who need it.


Area of strength: Security

Drupal contains the most basic function required of any CMS – allowing users to create simple websites with minimal struggle.

Drupal has its own selection of over twenty-five thousand add-ons which can be used by developers to design websites. Drupal also enables you to download or design your own themes while building your website and it is particularly useful for pages which have large volumes of concrete information that need to be increased every day.

The particular strength of this CMS site is its security measures and this is proven by the fact that Drupal has been used to create the some very information-sensitive websites. This is also open and free source.


Area of strength: Search engine optimization

SilverStripe is a popular option among nonprofits, proving its cost-effectivity. Small business will find SilverStripe to be an effective solution to developing uncommon web applications and incorporating interactive designs on their web page.

Not only is the software best for providing the quickest tools to build a professional website but particularly offers services which focus on driving traffic to your website. SilverStripe helps firms develop websites which will be able to draw attention and focuses on search engines optimization.


Area of strength: Personalization

No two sites made with JOOMLA will ever look the same because it presents countless themes and other customizing options which enables uniqueness for every site built.

Joomla has been particularly designed keeping large sites in mind and its strength is that it is best suited for websites which will have both still images and videos. Joomla has over 9000 extension built to give the user the best experience of web designing and it contains a number of developers working together to bring even more new features to the users. Using Joomla will give your website versatility and variations.


Area of strength: Marketing

WordPress is the best CMS available to not only small businesses but also large firms. It is probably one of the most popular and frequented sites available on the internet – a phenomenon that can be hugely attributed to its host and self-host options.

Aside from being free and open for all, WordPress happens to be one of the most user-friendly sites. It allows its users to build websites with minimal level of skill required. The site comes with packaged themes and also gives the user a preview of how their site will look once it has been launched.

The maintenance cost of this system is extremely low and it gives its users the particular benefit of being able to comply to search engine optimizations. The site comes with both free and paid applications and as a website progresses, it can pay and acquire advanced options as well.