Illusive Design changed its company name to Syncoria Incorporated in 2018. Its website URL is:

We DO NOT have any other brands. Syncoria Incorporated is the ONLY brand used by Syncoria and is the only valid domain for the brand. This website was retained for reference only and will be taken down soon.

If any other brand or website resembles this website please report to

We Are Not Hiring

Development of the Internet and social media has multiplied in heaps in the last decade. One particular aspect of this development has been the increased inter-connectivity between masses due to social media.

Social media has always existed, be it in the form of Hi5 or My Space in the early days. However, the real power of social media truly emerged with the spread of Facebook and Twitter. What started as a simple tool to connect with your friends is now far beyond personal lives.

Social media today is a thriving hub for business development, and nobody is taking bigger advantage than small businesses. There are some key reasons why small businesses can really reap the rewards from having a good social media strategy.

So what are you waiting for? Build a killer social media strategy and give your business the exposure it deserves.